Vital signs of climate change

Although the temperature of the Earth has fluctuated over time, it is currently warming at a rate that has not been seen in the previous 10,000 years. Droughts that are more frequent and extreme have a disastrous impact on people’s way of life and communities. One of the drought’s intensities has been seen in theContinue reading “Vital signs of climate change”

You will be hit by space junk anytime soon!

The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched into orbit in October 1957, and as soon as it was in orbit, space junk started to build up in our solar system. It may seem absurdly unlikely that somebody could be killed by space debris that fell from the sky. Although there have been incidents ofContinue reading “You will be hit by space junk anytime soon!”

The World’s largest Mangrove Forest in danger

The Bengali word “Sundarbans” (which means “beautiful forest”) refers to the luxuriant Heritiera fomes trees that make up 70% of the jungle’s topography. With 150 species of fish, 270 species of birds, 42 species of mammals, 35 species of reptiles, eight species of amphibians, and ongoing discoveries of new fungi and insects, it is oneContinue reading “The World’s largest Mangrove Forest in danger”

The World’s Largest River Delta

The Ganges Delta is located in both Bangladesh and the Indian State of West Bengal. Large, sediment-filled floods from the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers are primarily responsible for creating the delta.The photograph shows the Brahmaputra River on the right and the Ganges River bed on the left. At the top of the picture, you canContinue reading “The World’s Largest River Delta”

Greenhouse gases- How the Savior became Satan!

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. Mahatma Gandhi We’re moving back and forth from articles to newspapers to understand what’s happening in our surroundings. Why is any city/state experiencing sudden extreme events of floods, cyclones or droughts? What are greenhouse gases? Why is everyone blaming greenhouse gases forContinue reading “Greenhouse gases- How the Savior became Satan!”

Younger in Space

Hollywood movies like “The Martian,” “Gravity,” and “Interstellar” have already captivated us with their futuristic visions of life beyond Earth as we journey farther and deeper into space.(Do watch these movies once!) However, the question arises as to whether these depictions of space effects are accurate or if we are simply dwelling on them becauseContinue reading “Younger in Space”

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